It’s Trevor Noah: Born a Crime: Stories from a South African Childhood (Adapted for Young Readers)

Book cover for It's Trevor Noah by Trevor Noah

Trevor Noah


Book Summary

We do horrible things to one another because we don’t see the person it affects. . . . We don’t see them as people.

Trevor Noah, host of The Daily Show on Comedy Central, shares his remarkable story of growing up in South Africa with a black South African mother and a white European father at a time when it was against the law for a mixed-race child to exist. But he did exist–and from the beginning, the often-misbehaved Trevor used his keen smarts and humor to navigate a harsh life under a racist government.

In a country where racism barred blacks from social, educational, and economic opportunity, Trevor surmounted staggering obstacles and created a promising future for himself thanks to his mom’s unwavering love and indomitable will.

This honest and poignant memoir adapted from the #1 New York Times bestseller Born a Crime: Stories from a South African Childhood will astound and inspire readers as well as offer a fascinating perspective on South Africa’s tumultuous racial history.

Segregation, Racism, South Africa, Mother, Interracial

Age Range
Ages 12+ (grades 8 and up), Ages 9 to 12 (grades 4-7)
Book Category