Moving house is not fun, especially for a young girl that has to make new friends in her new middle school. Sammi face this situation with all her natural cheerfulness and is excited to attend to a Homecoming Football Game. However, in the middle of it, Sammi suffers a seizure, and a series of unexpected circumstances arise. Join Sammi in her path to knowledge (and the power that knowledge bestows) on how to live a happy, healthy life with epilepsy.
This book is part of the Storybook Illustrated Guides (, which main goal is to serve as an educational resource that will benefit parents and children alike. The fictional stories include characters, who are just like you/your child, that discover why they are different and learn that they can overcome and lead normal lives. Each book is fundamentally divided in three sections: 1) Created for parents and caregivers, practical and useful tips to help recognize symptoms of conditions covered in each book. 2) The stories themselves, illustrated to capture children’s interest while educating them about various illnesses. 3) A list of online resources where adults can go and learn more about conditions.