My Rainbow

Book cover by My Rainbow by DeShanna and Trinity Neal

DeShanna Neal

Trinity Neal


Art Twink

Book Summary

Warm morning sunlight and love fill the Neal home. And on one quiet day, playtime leads to an important realization: Trinity wants long hair like her dolls. She needs it to express who she truly is. So her family decides to take a trip to the beauty supply store, but none of the wigs is the perfect fit. Determined, Mom leaves with bundles of hair in hand, ready to craft a wig as colorful and vibrant as her daughter is. With powerful text by Trinity and DeShanna Neal and radiant art by Art Twink, My Rainbow is a celebration of showing up as our full selves with the people who have seen us fully all along.

2SLGBTQIA+, Hair, Black

Age Range
Ages 4 to 8 (grades K-3)
Penguin Young Readers Group
Book Category