Brook Pessin-Whedbee
Naomi Bardoff
Book Summary
This brightly illustrated children’s book provides a straightforward introduction to gender for anyone. It presents clear and direct language for understanding and talking about how we experience gender: our bodies, our expression and our identity. An interactive three-layered wheel included in the book is a simple, yet powerful, tool to clearly demonstrate the difference between our body, how we express ourselves through our clothes and hobbies, and our gender identity. Ideal for use in the classroom or at home, a short page-by-page guide for adults at the back of the book further explains the key concepts and identifies useful discussion points.
This is a one-of-a-kind resource for understanding and celebrating the gender diversity that surrounds us.
Gender, Gender Identity, LGBTQ2S+, Identity, Self-Respect, Self-Esteem, Gender Inclusive, Gender Alliance, Gender Diversity, Our Body, Our Expression, Expression, Fluidity, Gender Exploration, Introduction to Gender for anyone, Gender Language, Clothing, Hobbies, Guide, Discussion points, Resource, Celebrating Gender Diversity