Given the unique times that we are experiencing during the COVID-19 pandemic, we at Parents for Diversity understand that parents and caregivers, who are tasked with supporting their children during school closures, may need extra support. P4D has developed a communication tool, written in multiple languages, to help parents reach out to teachers and administration to request extra support, in their language of choice. We hope that this tool will help make parents’ and caregivers’ efforts supporting their children at home more manageable during this unprecedented time, and going forward into the new school year.
The image below with clickable links can be accessed here.

To access the communication tool, you can also click on the links below to view a PDF in each language: Arabic, Simplified Chinese, Chinese Traditional, Farsi/Persian, Somali, Swahili, and Urdu. If you have any challenges accessing the PDFs, please let us know and we can assist you.
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