The long-awaited relaunch of this unique educational tool highlights key elements of Black Canadian history.  This colorful and creative resource is highly accessible and fosters a deeper understanding of the rich contributions and experiences of Black Canadians.  P4D’s Periodic Table responds to the need of all students for a more inclusive curriculum and serves as a catalyst for embedding Black Canadian history into our classrooms across the nation. By embracing this valuable resource, educators and learners of all ages can actively engage with the diverse stories and achievements that have shaped the tapestry of Canada’s cultural heritage. Join us in celebrating and amplifying Black Canadian History as an integral part of Canadian History, as we collectively strive for a more inclusive and representative narrative in our educational spaces.

The Periodic Table of Black Canadians is now available in English and French.

Download the Original Elements

Download the 2024 Elements “Leading History”

Your Donations Matter!

As demonstrated by #BlackedOutHistory from the Ontario Black History Society, the contributions and achievements of Black Canadians are often excluded from textbooks and curriculum. The Periodic Table of Canadian Black History is a tool that educators, students, and families can use to explore and celebrate the stories, voices, and accomplishments of Black Canadians. Please support our work as we create new resources and advocate for schools, families and communities in order to promote equitable and inclusive education.