End of year message from our Board Chair

End of year message from our Board Chair

As we bid farewell to 2023, I am filled with profound gratitude for all of you. Leading this organization has been an incredible privilege. I want to express my heartfelt thanks to all parents, community members, educators, volunteers, and supporters. Your unwavering dedication and collaborative spirit have significantly impacted me. I eagerly anticipate continuing this transformative journey in the coming year.

A special note of appreciation goes to the unsung heroes behind the scenes – our devoted Directors of the Board, Parent Advocate, and Project Manager. Your resilience, grace, community-centric approach, can-do attitude, collaborative ethos, solution-focused mindset, and unwavering commitment to equity inspire me daily. Thank you for embodying the true spirit of Parents for Diversity.

As we approach the holiday season, may joy and unity surround you. We wish you a wonderful, restful break filled with warmth and happiness.

Here’s to a promising new year of shared achievements and continued impact!

Warm regards,
Koko Agborsangaya
Chair, Board of Directors

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